Best Shampoo Bar for Oily Hair

Finding the best shampoo bar for oily hair or greasy hair can be challenging.  Some people have scalps that produce more oil than others. 

Your oily hair can be caused by hair type, hormones, excessive washing, skin conditions and / or genetics.

If you have oily or greasy hair, there are few extra tips to keep in mind.  The two main things are the shampoo bar ingredients, and the type of water you have (hard or soft).

Oily hair shampoo bar ingredients

To manage oily hair, you need to look after your scalp.  A healthy scalp will promote good hair growth and healthy hair. 

Hair bars with ingredients such as coconut oil are good, as they moisturise without being too heavy. 

A hair bar with essential oils from citrus plants is recommended as they help remove oil build up. If you scroll down you’ll see a recommendation for a shampoo bar that suits oily hair.

Water type

If you have soft water, no problem.  If you have hard water, you should finish your hair washing routine with a vinegar rinse.  It is harder to get a good lather with your shampoo bar (hair bar) in hard water, and harder to rinse the shampoo out. 

If you don’t know the difference between hard and soft water, or if you don’t know which type of water you have at home, click here to find out.

Rinsing your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and water, then doing a final, water-only rinse, will fix the problems that sometimes come with washing your hair in hard water. You can also rinse with a mix of lemon-juice and water for the same result.

Best Shampoo Bar for Oily or Greasy Hair

We are going to recommend THE BEST shampoo bar for oily hair – it

  • Contains just the right mix of ingredients
  • Balances oil production
  • Cleans your scalp
  • Draws moisture into your hair
  • Doesn’t strip or dry it and… you don’t need a conditioner!

This shampoo bar is soap free, cruelty-free and biodegradable. One hair bar lasts a long time, it replaces about three bottles of regular shampoo. I can’t recommend it enough.

See it below on Amazon, and to read more about the ingredients.

If you want shampoo bar recommendations for other hair types, click here.



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